One of the less talked-about issues with any Apple Watch is the battery degradation. Of course, when you use a device everyday for years, you expect the battery to lose capacity. But what’s with the Apple Watch?
When the Series 0 was released, Apple specified that after 1000 charge cycles, or about 2.5 – 3 years, the Apple Watch would keep 80% of its original capacity.

But when you keep an Apple Watch for multiple years, it takes a significant toll on battery life. You may find yourself needing to recharge more often, or for longer. Of course, the reasoning for the Apple Watch’s battery degradation are there: a relatively small battery which is used very often and wirelessly charged via a puck will have an effect on the usability of the battery after years.

It is also notoriously hard to replace an Apple Watch battery, or anything else for that matter. But there are things you can do to preserve the health of your Apple Watch battery. For example, you can try to keep the watch from overheating, as this expands the battery and damaged it. But also, prevent complete discharge on the device as this will degrade the battery quicker.
Has your Apple Watch battery degraded much over time?