Watch this beautiful Apple Watch Series 4 ad

Apple is known to make beautiful videos about its products. A recent video Apple did about the Apple Watch Series 4, focuses on its cellular capability. The video was directed by Jonathan Glazer.

In the Creative Review director Jonathan Glazer’s ideas are talked about in detail. The production process behind this video is also very interesting:

“Using a wind tunnel to create a sequence that might be termed ‘aerodynamic ballet’, Glazer audaciously captures the athlete as she takes a second to acclimatise herself to her new surroundings before swooping in curlicues through the clouds, with Glazer’s camera equally mobile as it soars around her. Glazer then has his athlete plunged from the skies above into the dark of a mountainous lake – a neat way to demonstrate the new watch’s waterproof capabilities.”

Watch the video below and let us know what you think: