The Apple Watch Series 3 was released in September 2017. Since then Apple has come out with many new iterations of their smartwatch. Interestingly, the S3 has been on sale from Apple for all this time. So what’s changing?
Since the Series 3’s launch, it’s has received every single watchOS firmware update like the newer watches.
However, according to a recent tweet by reputable Apple analyst Ming Chi Kuo, the S3 is on track to be discontinued due to its ageing processor. Indeed, the newer Apple Watches significantly outperform the S3, and even though it’s powerful enough to perform many of its functions, future software updates could become too heavy for it, rendering it obsolete.
It’s still impressive to see the Series 3 sport watchOS 8 after almost 5 years on the market. We’re sad to see that Apple will discontinue the Series 3 this September, but we enjoyed the run it had. What is your favourite thing about the Apple Watch Series 3?