In 2017 Apple once again beat analysts expectations of the Apple Watch. Apple’s wearable grew 54% compared to 2016, with a total of 18 million shipped units according to a report from Canalys. Of course, to a large extent growth has been fuelled by the release of the cellular capable Series 3.
Research analyst at Canalys Vincent Thielke said that “The Apple Watch Series 3 is the fastest-selling LTE wearable on the market, with shipments doubling quarter on quarter to reach 1.6 million”. In 2017 Apple managed to sell 2.4 million cellular capable Apple Watches.
Percentage wise this however translates to only 13% of their total sales. Although the Series 3 is by far the most advanced Apple Watch and mass wearable on the market, its additional monthly cost with cellular providers may be a drawback for some customers. People also voice complaints about the cellular model only being able to work with one exclusive provider, making international travel more problematic with it.
Meanwhile we’re excited to see what Apple brings on in 2018 for the Apple Watch!